Back on the Open Road

Well, well, well. Guess who’s BACK on the Open Road!

A quick recap is in order. Over the past few years since my last post, we DID attempt a third marathon (only bc the medal had actual ash from Iwo Jima and The Man is, after all, a Marine). Guess we both failed on that one though we did eventually hit 26.2 thanks to my faithful and determined running partner Denise and our support staff Neil and Amy who gathered us up at the end with cold beer. It was virtual thanks to Covid and involved a LOT of walking, though thankfully no locusts. Got the medal and haven’t really run since. We’ve gotten married, sold some houses, bought a house, bought another house, bought some cars, sold some cars, and one of us retired.

Fast forward to today, what we’re calling Day One of NM shower Reno:

What started as a random thought last July is becoming reality. When we first saw pictures of the house in New Mexico we thought, if this is the house then that master tub will have to come out. Mom and Dad need a walk in shower. Fast forward several months (and many, many YouTube videos later), we’ve packed the truck with tools, a shower base and 4,000 miscellaneous things that we might need and are making our way cross country to do just that. 

You know you’re getting somewhere when you pass the Weather Channel building so hello, Atlanta! We’ll cross through a few states we’ve yet to experience together (Alabama and Mississippi will be #28 and 29) and will once again find ourselves on Route 66. Who knew all those years ago when we planned our Route 66 motorcycle trip that we’d eventually drive Route 66 into and out of Albuquerque repeatedly? And who knew that retirement would lead me into some serious home renovations? Stay tuned for before and after (and probably some during) photos of this renovation. This will be… exciting?
